Data interface (REST)

Data Structures

Constraint Definition

constraint_definition (Dictonary):
Specifies a definition of a constraint.
  • action Action of constraint (e.g. ADD, DROP)

  • constraint_type Type of constraint (e.g. UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY)

  • constraint_name Name of constraint.

  • constraint_parameter Parameter of constraint.

  • reference_table Name of reference table, can be None.

  • reference_column Name of reference column, can be None.

Column Definition

column_definition (Dictonary):
Specifies a definition of a column.
  • name Name of column.

  • new_name New name of column, can be None.

  • data_type New datatype of column, can be None.

  • is_nullable New null value of column, can be None.

  • character_maximum_length New data length of column, can be None.

Response Definition

response_dictonary (Dictonary):
Describes the result of an api action.

Table (RESTful)

URL: /schema/{schema}/table/{table}


Reference needed.


Creates a new table in database. JSON should contain a constraint definition array and a column definition array.


  "constraints": [
      "constraint_type": "FOREIGN KEY",
      "constraint_name": "fkey_schema_table_database_id",
      "constraint_parameter": "database_id",
      "reference_table": "example.table",
      "reference_column": "database_id_ref"
      "constraint_type": "PRIMARY KEY",
      "constraint_name": "pkey_schema_table_id",
      "constraint_parameter": "id",
      "reference_table": null,
      "reference_column": null
  "columns": [
      "name": "id",
      "data_type": "int",
      "is_nullable": "YES",
      "character_maximum_length": null
      "name": "name",
      "data_type": "character varying",
      "is_nullable": "NO",
      "character_maximum_length": 50


JSON should contain a column or constraint definition. Additionally action and type should be mentioned.

  • type can be constraint or column.

  • action can be ADD and DROP.

  • constraint_type can be every constraint type supported by Postgres.

  • reference_table and reference_column can be null, if not necessary.


  "type" : "constraint",
  "action": "ADD",
  "constraint_type": "FOREIGN KEY",
  "constraint_name": "fkey_label",
  "constraint_parameter": "changed_name",
  "reference_table" : "reference.group_types",
  "reference_column" : "label"

  "type" : "column",
  "name" : "test_name",
  "newname" : "changed_name",
  "data_type": "character varying",
  "is_nullable": "NO",
  "character_maximum_length": 50

Rows (RESTful)


URL: /schema/<schema>/tables/<table>/rows/

You can use this part to get information from the database.

You can specify the following parameters in the url:
  • columns (List) List of selected columns, e.g. id,name

  • where (List) List of where clauses, e.g. id+OPERATOR+1+CONNECTOR+name+OPERATOR+georg

    • CONNECTORS could be AND, OR

  • orderby (List) List of order columns, e.g. name,code

  • limit (Number) Number of displayed items, e.g. 100

  • offset (Number) Number of offset from start, e.g. 10

Deprecated Stuff

Create a table

Dictionary structure

schema (String):

Specifies the schema name the table should be created in. If this schema does not exist it will be created.

table (String):

Specifies the name of the table to be created.

fields (List):

List specifying the columns of the new table (see Field specification).

constraints (List):

List of additional constraints (see Constraint specification).

Field specification

name (String):

Name of the field

type (String):

Name of a valid Postgresql type

pk (Bool):

Specifies whether this column is a primary key. Be aware of [1]

Constraint specification

name (String):

Type of constraint. Possible values:

constraint (Dictionary):

Dictionary as specified by the foreign key.

Foreign key specification

schema (String):

Name of the schema the referenced table is stored in

table (String):

Name of the referenced table

field (String):

Name of the referenced column

on_delete (String):

Specifies the behaviour if this field is deleted. Possible values:

  • cascade

  • no action

  • restrict

  • set null

  • set default

Insert data

schema (String):

Specifies the schema name the table should be created in. If this schema does not exist it will be created.

table (String):

Specifies the name of the table to be created.

fields (List):

List specifying the column names the date should be inserted in.

values (List):

Each element is a list of values that should be inserted. The number of elements must match the number of fields.

returning (Bool):

An expression that is evaluated and returned as result. If this entry is present the result of this expression is returned as in Select Data.

Select data

all (Bool):

Specifies whether all rows should be returned (default)

distinct (Bool):

Specifies whether only unique rows should be returned

fields (List):

The list of columns that should be returned (see select_field_spec_)

where (List):

The list of condition that should be considered (see select_condition_spec_)

limit (Integer or ‘all’):

Specifies how many results should be returned. If ‘all’ is set all matching rows will be returned (default).

offset (Integer):

Specifies how many entries should be skipped before returning data

Binding the API to python